The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain
Many people are familiar with the connection between weight and sleep apnea — meaning the higher risk of developing sleep apnea in patients who are overweight — but you may be surprised to learn that even people at healthy weights have sleep apnea. Not only that, but sleep apnea often causes patients to gain weight.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways to reduce the risk of sleep apnea, improve sleep apnea symptoms, and avoid gaining weight because of sleep apnea. Here, board-certified sleep medicine physician Dr. Avi Ishaaya and the knowledgeable team at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Los Angeles, CA share helpful information about the link between sleep apnea and weight, as well as what to do if you suspect you may have a sleep apnea disorder.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a disruptive sleep condition characterized by waking up multiple times at night due to obstructed airflow in the nasal passages, throat airway, or both. Sleep apnea may be caused by the collapse of the soft palate, a previous nose injury, genetics, and a variety of other factors. Not only is sleep apnea an inconvenience and a nuisance to the affected person's partner, loved ones, or roommate, but it can also be a dangerous and even life-threatening condition — increasing their risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and more.
Does being overweight cause sleep apnea?
Obesity is closely linked to sleep apnea, with many overweight patients developing the condition. However, sleep apnea can occur in almost anyone, including patients with a normal BMI. Even children can develop pediatric sleep apnea.
Does sleep apnea cause weight gain?
Regardless of your current weight, developing sleep apnea may lead to weight gain for a number of reasons. First, patients with sleep apnea often experience daytime fatigue due to poor quality of sleep at night, which makes them less able or likely to adhere to a regular fitness regimen. Additionally, patients with sleep apnea are more likely to develop conditions closely linked to obesity, such as diabetes, elevated cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure), and others. Gaining weight because of sleep apnea can be particularly troubling, as sleep apnea symptoms may worsen with weight gain — making this a difficult cycle to break.
Does losing weight help with sleep apnea?
In many cases, losing weight helps reduce sleep apnea symptoms and may even resolve the condition in some patients. Weight loss often helps improve overall health and other issues associated with obesity and sleep apnea — like diabetes and cardiac disease.
How do I know if I have sleep apnea?
Many people assume that because their partner snores loudly, they must have sleep apnea. While snoring and sleep apnea are connected, snoring alone does not definitively diagnose a patient with sleep apnea. Instead, the patient will need to undergo a formal sleep study and evaluation by a medical specialist. At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we are proud to offer comprehensive sleep testing for sleep apnea at our state-of-the-art, in-house sleep lab, as well as with at-home sleep apnea test kits. Based on the results of your sleep study, Dr. Ishaaya will work closely with you to develop a sleep apnea treatment plan, which may include a CPAP machine, APAP machine, or even something as simple as a dental device for sleep apnea.
Will I lose weight with sleep apnea treatment?
If your sleep apnea is contributing to weight gain or other weight-related conditions, you may achieve weight loss by treating your sleep apnea and symptoms. If you are concerned about how sleep apnea is affecting your weight, health, quality of life, or others, don't hesitate to reach out to learn more about Los Angeles, CA sleep apnea treatment options.
Sleep better and be healthier with sleep apnea testing in Los Angeles, CA
It can be challenging to understand whether sleep apnea is causing weight gain or the other way around, but in either case, it is important to have sleep apnea evaluated and diagnosed to find a treatment plan that can help reduce your symptoms and improve your lifestyle and health overall. For more information about our full range of sleep testing options and treatment for sleep disorders, call Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers today to schedule your consultation with Los Angeles sleep apnea specialist Dr. Avi Ishaaya.