Allergy Testing in Beverly Hills, CA

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What are Allergies?

When you have an allergic reaction, your immune system is responding to an external trigger called an allergen. You may swallow, breathe in, or touch something that immediately causes an unpleasant or life-threatening allergic reaction. If you are living with allergies of any kind, you can consult with our board-certified physician in pulmonary, internal, sleep, and geriatric medicine, Dr. Abraham "Avi" Ishaaya, for allergy testing. He offers comprehensive allergy testing and treatment options to alleviate frustrating symptoms of allergies such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, hives, localized swelling, stomach troubles, chest or nasal congestion, and/or itchy nose and eyes. We offer our allergy testing and treatment to patients of all ages. Dr. Ishaaya looks forward to meeting you and/or your family member in a private consultation at his office in Beverly Hills, CA.

What Are The Benefits Of Allergy Testing?

Benefits of allergy testing include:

  • Being able to pinpoint your exact allergens
  • Relief from constant allergy symptoms, including sneezing, hives, and itching
  • Avoidance of dangerous and serious reactions to allergens
  • More effective treatment options when allergens are identified

Why Is Allergy Testing Important?

Do you have allergies? If so, what are you allergic to? Are you sure?

Most allergy sufferers will power through the sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes by taking over-the-counter allergy medication or limiting exposure to allergens. And while this may work for seasonal allergies, there are a countless number of allergens in the environment and are foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

Knowing what substances you are allergic to is the most important step to relieving allergy symptoms, avoiding dangerous allergic reactions, and improving your quality of life. For children, this can identify potentially dangerous food or insect sting allergies, and for adults, this can identify an allergy they may not even have realized they had.

Allergy testing can help you avoid some of the most serious allergic complications, like:

  • Anaphylaxis — a potentially life-threatening reaction that can block breathing
  • Asthma
  • Polyps — small growths in the lining of the sinuses and nasal passageways
  • Migraine headaches
  • Sleep problems
  • Infections — sinuses, ears, lungs

Allergy testing identifies the causes of your allergies to help you limit exposure, cut allergens from your daily diet, avoid possibly dangerous reactions, determine if you've outgrown an allergy, and make better health choices.

Who Should Consider an Allergy Test?

Allergy symptoms can be debilitating and even dangerous. Anyone who suffers from unexplained hives, swelling of the face and/or throat, runny nose, stomach pains, or severe itching should consider an allergy test at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers. Testing can be performed at any age but is especially important for children and adults with a strong family history of food and environmental allergens. Our tests can be life-changing, opening up a world of new possibilities and a greater understanding of your own body.

Common allergens We test

What allergens do we test for at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers? We strategically test for pollen, mold, animal, food, and environmental allergies in low, medium, and severe categories. Once you know what triggers your allergy response, you may be able to prevent illnesses (like nasal polyposis, sinusitis, and asthma), or chronic infections in the future. Here are some examples of common allergy triggers or sensitivities by category:

Trees, flowers, and pollens

  • Different varieties of local trees, weeds, and flowers
  • Flowering plants (in season)
  • Grass pollen
  • Ragweed


  • Fusarium
  • Helminthosporium
  • Hormodendrum

Animals, birds, and bugs

  • Bee stings
  • Cats (dander)
  • Dogs (dander)
  • Feathers
  • Horses
  • Rodents
  • Cockroaches
  • Dust mites


  • Fish and shellfish
  • Fruits and vegetables 
  • Gluten (wheat, oats, rye, barley, or malt)
  • Meat (beef or pork)
  • Milk products
  • Nuts (peanuts and/or other nuts)
  • Poultry (chicken and/or eggs)
  • Soy

Types of Allergies Tests

The Scratch Test

Within 15 – 20 minutes, Dr. Ishaaya can perform the scratch test, which is also known as the prick-puncture test, to assess your allergies. This is accomplished by placing a tiny sample of an allergen under the surface of your skin to see if there is a reaction. We can test for multiple allergens in one testing session, which can make a grid-like pattern on the skin once it is administered. This is a pain-free testing method that is proven to be safe and effective at identifying common allergens.

Blood Test

When allergies are so severe that it is not safe to perform a skin test (scratch test), Dr. Ishaaya can order blood tests to detect a limited number of allergens if necessary.

Elimination diet

By strategically eliminating foods from your diet, you can ascertain what foods are causing bodily discomfort, inflammation, rashes, stomach or bowel issues, and more. Dr. Ishaaya can guide you on what foods to introduce and or eliminate. We regularly check for food sensitivities, intolerances, and allergies for foods such as dairy products, peanuts, shellfish, wheat, soy, milk, and eggs.

Treatments + Allergy Relief

Based on the results of your allergy testing, Dr. Avi will discuss different treatment options including:

  • Prescription-strength or over-the-counter medications
    You may need antihistamines, decongestants eye drops, or nasal sprays to ease symptoms of coughing, sneezing, watery/itchy eyes, stopped up noses, or rashes.
  • Lifestyle changes (avoidance)
    Once you have learned what you are allergic to from the testing, you can learn to avoid the allergen. Children will have to be closely monitored to avoid unwanted exposure to the allergen. A plan of action should be put in place just in case an exposure happens or avoidance is not possible.
  • Allergy shots (immunotherapy)
    We administer a series of allergy shots weekly for several appointments at the beginning of this type of treatment. You will need to commit to multiple 20-minute appointments. In that time, you will be given an allergy shot and then you will be monitored for any type of allergic reaction. The allergy shot process can take as long as a year for the therapy to be complete. The number of sessions will taper off as you become less reactive to the allergy shots.

What should I expect after?

Following your allergy testing, you might expect to see redness, swelling, and bumps forming at the site of the testing. Depending on the severity of your allergy and reaction to the testing, these symptoms may take between a few hours and a few days to dissipate. You will be monitored immediately following the testing to ensure your health and safety from any extreme reactions to the allergens being tested. In generally, you should be fully back to normal within a day or two of your testing at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Center.

Allergy Testing FAQ

What allergies can an allergy test detect?
There are various allergies that can be detected during an allergy test at our Beverly Hills, CA facility. Some of the most common include:

  • Food allergies, including peanuts
  • Pollen
  • Dust and dander
  • Insect stings
  • Mold
  • Latex

Can allergies develop later in life?
Allergies can show up later in life and may require additional allergy testing. No matter your age, if you are experiencing allergy symptoms, you could benefit from an allergy test. When allergies are detected early on, they can be properly treated without the risk of a severe allergic reaction in the future.

When should I receive an allergy test?
There are a few symptoms that can be associated with moderate and severe allergies. These could include:

  • Hives
  • Swelling of the face and/or throat
  • Runny nose
  • Stomach cramps
  • Severe itching

If you notice any of these symptoms, you may need to contact a medical professional immediately, depending on the severity.

Is allergy testing safe?

Allergy testing is considered generally safe for most patients, even children as young as infants. If you have ever had a severe allergic reaction, we recommend that you do not undergo allergy testing. At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA, we offer a variety of allergy tests, including a blood test to diagnose allergies.

Does allergy testing hurt?

Allergy testing is not painful. The small needles used to introduce the allergen only penetrate the topmost layer of skin, resulting in little to no discomfort to the skin.

How can I prepare for my allergy test?

To prepare for your allergy testing, you should abstain from antihistamines five days before your appointment. During your appointment, you will be asked a series of questions regarding your symptoms, lifestyle, and family history. Allergy testing can vary for each patient, depending on their unique needs and concerns.

Finding Allergy Triggers

It is our mission to help you or your child identify unknown allergens. At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA, we offer several diagnostic testing methods and treatments for allergy relief. Contact our office if you would like to have allergy testing for preventive measures and to reduce the unpleasant symptoms that accompany an allergic reaction.

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