Lung Testing in Beverly Hills, CA

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What is a lung test?

At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we offer several lung tests to evaluate the health, function, and capacity of your lungs. Based on your exam and symptoms, our board-certified physician and pulmonologist in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Abraham "Avi" Ishaaya, may suggest a number of tests to confirm a specific lung diagnosis at your consultation appointment. If deemed medically necessary, Dr. Ishaaya can perform allergy testing, too. We are equipped with a comprehensive radiology suite that is located on-site and contains state-of-the-art testing equipment. With a licensed and certified radiologist available on staff, imaging results are returned quickly — so you don’t have to endure long wait times and can begin treatment faster. If you would like to request a consultation with an experienced pulmonologist in Beverly Hills, CA, we invite you to reach out to our practice today. 

Common Lung Conditions

Bronchitis is a very common illness of the respiratory system. When the lungs have been exposed to a virus or have been triggered by something inhaled in the environment, it can also cause also trigger a bronchial response. If you have bronchitis, you will have a demanding cough, a sore throat, hoarseness, a whistling or noisy breathing, fever, a congested chest, and mucus coming up from deep within the chest.

If you have asthma after being tested at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we can manage the condition. We provide solutions and medication management for coughing, wheezing, tightening of the chest, and shortness of breath with various methods of treatment.

A patient who smokes or has consistently been around second-hand smoke has a high-risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We can diagnose COPD with a PFT, arterial blood gas test, chest x-ray, or computed tomography (CT) scan, or other laboratory tests. Patients with COPD generally present symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, labored breathing, and chronic cough with mucus. These symptoms may also be a chronic type of COPD called emphysema.

Caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses, pneumonia is a serious medical illness that could lead to hospitalization. You would benefit from lung testing if you are experiencing fever, chills, body aches, sore throats, swollen lymph nodes, cough (with mucus), fatigue, and shortness of breath.

What Are the Benefits of Lung Testing?

By proactively assessing and monitoring lung function, individuals and healthcare professionals in Beverly Hills, CA can better manage lung conditions, enhance patient outcomes, and promote lung health. Some of the numerous benefits of lung testing at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers include:

  • Early Detection: Lung testing can help detect lung conditions at an early stage
  • Disease Monitoring: Lung testing enables healthcare professionals to monitor the progression of lung diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or cystic fibrosis
  • Treatment Optimization: Lung testing provides valuable data for healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans to individual patients
  • Assessing Lung Health: Lung testing can assess overall lung health and identify any abnormalities or lung disorders that may not present with obvious symptoms

Who Is A Good Candidate for Lung Testing?

Lung testing is an ideal diagnostic solution for discovering root causes of various lung symptoms, finding underlying conditions, and providing you and your provider with the information needed to develop a treatment plan. Individuals in Beverly Hills, CA who most qualify for lung testing may have unexplained lung conditions, such as chronic cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and tightness. You may also have chronic diseases, such as asthma, which present a threat to your lungs' long-term health. If you have any of the symptoms or conditions mentioned, contact Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers today to set up your lung testing and get to the root of your respiratory concerns.

Preparing for your Lung Tests

Here are a few reminders we would like to share with you to help you prepare for your lung test with our pulmonologist in Beverly Hills, CA. It is important to get the most accurate results by following these guidelines:

  • No smoking for at least one hour before any lung test
  • No alcohol beverages for at least four hours before the test
  • Avoid heavy exercise for at least 30 minutes before the test
  • Wear clothing that is easy for you to breathe in as tight clothing can interfere with deep breathing
  • You do not have to fast, but we recommend eating a small/light meal about two hours before a lung test (a large/heavy meal on your stomach can also impede breathing)

These are some of the basic instructions we can give you before a lung test. If you are on a medication that can skew your results, Dr. Ishaaya will let you know if you need to wait until after the test to resume the dosage of that particular drug.

Types of Lung Test

Pulmonary Function Tests

Pulmonary function tests (PFT) conducted by our pulmonologist in Beverly Hills, CA, are noninvasive breathing tests done to measure how well the lungs perform. More specifically, these tests are used to:


  • Get a baseline medical record of your lung health (with or without a diagnosis)
  • Compare your lung function to others to show how well your lungs should be working


  • Effectiveness of treatment over a period of time to document progress
  • A need for a medication change
  • As a safety precaution to check lung functionality before having a surgery


  • Lung volume
  • What chronic illness like COPD, asthma, or cystic fibrosis, has done to your lungs over time (with or without treatment)
  • The changes in lung function 


  • Lung disorders and disease (asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema)
  • Narrow or obstructed airways causing shortness of breath
  • The strength of the diaphragm and airflow to and from your lungs

PFTs are noninvasive breathing tests that will take place the same day as a consultation. For your convenience, we have everything here in-house to complete your test. With a PFT technician, you will be given instructions on how to perform each test.

Oxygen Six-Minute Walk Study

The oxygen six-minute walk study is as simple as it sounds. We will have you walk on a flat surface with one of our team members for six minutes. This assessment can give Dr. Ishaaya about your lung function and what conditions you may be at risk of having or developing.

Exhale Nitric Oxide Test

An exhaled nitric oxide test will assess airway inflammation and how well your treatments and medication are working. It is also an additional test for asthma.

Methacholine Challenge

Methacholine challenge (also known as the bronchoprovocation test) can confirm a diagnosis of asthma. In our office, we will administer the challenge by asking you to inhale methacholine. It will narrow your airway, and Dr. Ishaaya can document your airway response to the drug.

Imaging for Your Lungs

We have experienced radiologists, and physician and experienced pulmonologist Dr. Ishaaya, to educate you and direct you through the testing and imaging process.

Computed tomography (CT scan)
In a paper gown, you will lie down on your back on a narrow table that will slide you into the CT scanner. The technology will rotate around you to take multiple images at different angles. You may be in the scanner by yourself during the imaging session, but we will still talk to you during the process through an intercom system.

Depending on where on your body you are having an x-ray, we may or may not ask you to wear a lead apron to prevent radiation exposure to unnecessary areas. Once the radiology technician has positioned you to have the correct x-ray, he or she will go behind a protective barrier wall to take the image. All you have to do is follow directions. It will be over in a matter of seconds.

In an examination room, we will have you change into a paper gown. Then, you will lie down on an examination table and be prepped for the ultrasound. Your technician will apply a lubricating jelly to your skin. A handheld ultrasound transducer will be placed on your skin. The technician will glide the transducer over the area, which uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image.

What To Expect After Lung Testing

After any of the diagnostic procedures, you should be able to resume your day-to-day activities. We will contact you as soon as we get the results of your lung testing. Imaging will have to be reviewed by a radiologist. If you undergo a methacholine challenge, you will be given a bronchodilator when your test is finished to fully reopen your airways. You will be monitored for up to 60 minutes (as necessary) to ensure you've regained normal breathing capacity and then allowed to go home.

Lung Testing FAQ

What is a full lung function test?

The most basic and common type of lung test is spirometry, which measures the amount of air you exhale in one forced breath using a spirometer. However, at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we employ a more advanced battery of tests that include CT scans, x-rays, ultrasound, methacholine challenge, and others to get a more accurate diagnosis of your condition.

How long does a lung function test take?

Usually, a basic lung function test will take around 45 minutes, but if you need more advanced testing, it can take longer depending on the type of test Dr. Ishaaya recommends.

How do I know if I need a lung test?

It varies for each person, but if you are experiencing difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, wheezing, or loud "rattling" breathing, you should schedule a lung function test with Dr. Ishaaya.

How can I improve my breathing?

A simple exercise to improve your lung function and breathing is the pursed-lips breathing method. Here's how it's done:

  1. Take a deep breath in through your nose
  2. Purse your lips like you're whistling or about to blow out a candle
  3. Exhale as slowly as you can through your pursed lips. It should take about twice as long as you breathed in
  4. Repeat

This technique helps to slow your breathing and keeps your airways open longer.

What are some signs of lung problems?

There can be a number of signs of issues within your lungs. These could include shortness of breath, cough brining up mucus, fatigue, and reocurring lung infections. If you notice these symptoms or others, it is important to schedule lung testing at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers.

What happens if I fail a lung test?

If the results of your test are abnormal, it is likely a problem with your lungs exists. Our staff will explain exactly what the results of your test mean. Depending on this outcome, we may prescribe medication or recommend other treatment we believe could help your situation.

Get a breath of fresh air

We have many noninvasive ways to test your lungs at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA. From manual breathing tests to imaging that takes seconds, we can find out if you have common lung illnesses, disorders, or diseases like bronchitis, COPD, and asthma. Call and schedule an appointment with our experienced pulmonologist in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr, Ishaaya, or fill out an online request form on our website. We look forward to meeting you.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.