My Heartbeats Are Fluttering. Do I Need An EKG Test?

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Cardiometabolic testing, such as an EKG test, can give Dr. Avi Ishaaya helpful information about his patients in Beverly Hills, CA. At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we help our patients monitor risks associated with their heart health. An EKG test or echo stress test are two ways that he can learn about your current and future health at the same time. For some patients experiencing a fluttering heartbeat, generally, they are harmless. They can be caused by exercise, medication, or stress. However, it is advisable for those experiencing them who have a pre-existing condition or other symptoms to consider having heart testing.

What is an EKG test?

An EKG test is a noninvasive way to diagnose common heart problems in patients of all ages throughout Beverly Hills, CA. Dr. Ishaaya can use this test to detect:

  • An abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmias)

  • Blocked or narrowed arteries in your heart (coronary artery disease)

  • Heart valve disease

  • Coronary heart disease

  • Heart failure

  • Previous heart attacks

What symptoms signal the need for heart testing?

You may need an EKG if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Chest pain

  • Dizziness

  • Heart palpitations that are worsening

  • Rapid pulse

  • Shortness of breath

  • Weakness

  • Extreme fatigue

The American Heart Association doesn't recommend using heart testing to assess adults at low risk who don't have any symptoms. During a visit to Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA, we can discuss your symptoms to determine if heart testing is right for your health.

What is the difference between EKG and echo stress tests?

Dr. Ishaaya can explain the differences between these tests at your initial visit. An EKG stress test is a common heart test and is more of a screening test. At our Beverly Hills, CA center, we place nodes on the chest wall that allow us to track the rhythm of the heart. This will give us helpful information about your heart rate and rhythm. This also helps us diagnose abnormal heart tracings, including a low or fast heart rate, an irregular heartbeat, or a heart block. An EKG gives Dr. Ishaaya clues about possible abnormalities in your heart muscle or the enlargement of a heart chamber.

An echo stress test is used for patients with signs of heart disease. During a stress test, your heart is imaged with echocardiography while at rest and after exercise. This heart ultrasound uses vibrations to create a picture of your heart while it is in motion. You will start by walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike until you reach your target heart rate. Next, an echocardiogram is taken. The test continues with you doing different exercises where we monitor your heart. This lets us look at your heart chambers and valves while under stress to see if blood flow is good, if you have any dead heart muscle tissue, or if you experience abnormal muscle contractions.

What happens after heart testing

After testing, Dr. Ishaaya can make recommendations for you, depending on if you receive an abnormal result or not. Some possible suggestions for treatment include:

  • Diet or nutrition counseling

  • Heart medication

  • Quit smoking

  • Weight loss

  • Exercise plans

As a team, we can customize a treatment plan that works best for your health. Ideally, an EKG test will detect problems before anything serious happens.

Learn how an EKG test can save your life

When you want to ensure that your heart is working its best, Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA offers heart testing. An EKG test can detect illnesses, such as heart disease, in their early stages before they are life-threatening. Preventive medicine and lifestyle changes help our patients maintain their quality of life after a diagnosis. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Avi Ishaaya today to learn more about what an EKG test can do for you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.