How is Asthma Diagnosed?
At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, board-certified physician Dr. Avi Ishaaya offers lung function tests that test the capacity, health, and function of the lungs. Based on a medical exam and your symptoms, such as an asthma cough, we can suggest pulmonary function tests that can confirm a lung diagnosis, such as asthma. Asthma causes swelling of the airways, which results in narrowing that carries air from the nose and mouth to the lungs. While there is no cure for it, it can be managed with asthma treatment. At our radiology suite in Beverly Hills, CA, we use state-of-the-art equipment and have a certified radiologist on-site. This means that you get your imaging results quickly so you can start your asthma treatment faster.
What is asthma?
There are four types of asthma, all with different severities. The four types of asthma include:
Intermittent asthma: You have symptoms less than twice a week and wake up less than two nights a month.
Mild persistent asthma: You have symptoms two or more days a week and wake up no more than four nights a month.
Moderate persistent asthma: You have symptoms at least every day and wake up one or more nights weekly.
Severe persistent asthma: You have symptoms during the day and wake up every night because of your asthma symptoms.
Symptoms of asthma
Asthma symptoms can vary as some patients may only have symptoms at certain times. Some signs of asthma include:
Chest tightness
Shortness of breath
Wheezing when exhaling
Trouble sleeping
Coughing or wheezing attacks
When you’re experiencing asthma symptoms, schedule an appointment at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers.
What is a pulmonary lung function test?
Lung function tests check how well the lungs are working. They can be administered to diagnose lung disease, check how treatment is working for an existing lung issue, or because of problems that you have with breathing. They are noninvasive breathing tests that are conducted in-house in Beverly Hills, CA. These lung tests include:
Oxygen six-minute walk study
Methacholine challenge (also known as bronchoprovocation test specifically for asthma)
Exhale nitric oxide test
What does a lung function test involve?
At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA, we use lung function tests to see how much air your lungs can hold effectively, how quickly they move air in and out, and how well they put oxygen into and remove carbon dioxide from your blood. During these tests, we compare your lung function to others to see how well they are working. We can also use them to assess the effectiveness of asthma treatment. Ultimately, no single lung test can determine everything, so having more than one test may be necessary.
See how well your lungs are functioning with lung function tests
At Dr. Avi Isshaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA, we offer lung testing that helps us to detect common lung conditions, such as asthma. We are well-trained and certified in pulmonary medicine and can help our patients resolve their asthma symptoms with different asthma treatments. To learn more about what Dr. Avi Ishaaya can do for your lung health, call us today to schedule an appointment to discuss lung testing.