At What Age Do Telomeres Shorten?

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Telomeres tell board-certified physician Dr. Avi Ishaaya how the cells in your body are aging. You want these telomeres to be strong and healthy, so they can properly fight any mutations or degeneration. These cells are made of shelterin, proteins that work to prevent your DNA sequence from being damaged. Ultimately, telomere shortening is normal with age. With the help of telomere testing at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, Dr. Ishaaya can analyze any chromosomal changes that can lead to decreased health or shorter life. Shorter telomeres tell him when you’re more susceptible to developing different health conditions or diseases, such as cancer. During a consultation at his Beverly Hills, CA office, you can have telomere testing to see if you have healthy DNA.

Why do telomeres shorten?

Telomere shortening occurs because of poor lifestyle choices, such as living a sedentary life, smoking, being overweight or obese, or eating a poor diet. This can lead to a shorter life expectancy. When telomeres shorten, it tells your cells to regenerate less healthy ones and to produce mutations that can lead to cancer development. Some of the biggest factors for telomere shortening are genetics and stress. Stress can shorten telomere length significantly. When we are exposed to chronic stress, our health is affected, especially our telomere length. Telomere testing is important for all patients as it allows Dr. Ishaaya to both diagnose and treat certain diseases or disorders caused by shortened telomeres.

How does telomere testing work?

A telomere test is a blood or cheek swab test that doesn’t require fasting. Dr. Ishaaya suggests telomere testing annually to compare results and to re-examine lifestyle changes to see if they’re helping your health. This also gives him a baseline to make treatment suggestions that will help improve your health. It provides you information on if your telomeres are healthy and encourages you to make positive changes for your health.

How can I strengthen my telomeres?

Dr. Ishaaya’s goal is to slow down any shortening that his patients experience in Beverly Hills, CA. This is most often achieved with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes, including:

  • Quitting smoking

  • Getting enough rest

  • Losing weight

  • Exercising regularly

  • Reducing stress

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Having regular annual visits

At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we can determine how to help you strengthen your telomeres, which help combat chromosomal aging.

How telomere testing will improve your health and increase your life expectancy

Telomere testing allows board-certified physician Dr. Avi Ishaaya to look at your DNA to learn how you are aging. At our Beverly Hills, CA office, we create custom anti-aging plans that focus on maintaining your telomere length and slowing down shortening. If you’re interested in improving your health, call Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers today to schedule a consultation to learn how telomere testing can help you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.