Eight Tips to Help Maintain Telomere Length

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Telomeres tell doctors how well their patient’s cells are aging. Ideally, they will be healthy and strong, so they can successfully fight off any mutations or degeneration in the body. They are made of shelterin, proteins that work to prevent your DNA sequence from becoming damaged. It’s normal for these telomeres to shorten during the aging process, but with telomere testing at Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, board-certified physician Dr. Avi Ishaaya can analyze your chromosomal changes. These changes can lead to decreased health or length of life. Shorter telomeres tell him when a patient is more likely to develop certain disorders or diseases and their risk of developing cancer. During an initial consultation at his Beverly Hills, CA office, we can perform this important testing to determine your telomere length.

What contributes to telomere shortening?

Telomere shortening occurs most often because of poor lifestyle choices. Patients who live a sedentary life, who smoke, are overweight or obese, or have a poor diet all can experience this shortening, which leads to a decreased lifespan. When telomeres shorten, it tells your cells to regenerate less healthy cells and to produce mutations that can lead to cancer. The symptoms that a patient can feel from this shortening varies; however, it can ultimately affect all organs in the body. This is why telomere testing in Beverly Hills, CA is so important for patients of all ages. DNA testing allows Dr. Ishaaya to diagnose and treat disorders or diseases caused by telomere shortening.

How telomere testing works

A telomere test is a blood draw or cheek swab test done at our office. Patients aren’t required to fast. Your sample is sent to a lab for evaluation. At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers in Beverly Hills, CA, we recommend our patients have telomere testing once a year to compare results and to examine lifestyle changes that lead to healthy DNA. This gives Dr. Ishaaya a baseline to make suggestions for treatment to improve your health. It also gives us information on if your telomeres are healthy.

How to slow down telomere shortening

Treatment will vary by patient. However, the goal for Dr. Avi Ishaaya is to slow down the shortening process to help improve your overall health. Some tips for how you can help slow down telomere shortening include:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight with healthy eating.

  2. Exercise regularly.

  3. Quit smoking.

  4. Get enough sleep.

  5. Reduce or manage stress.

  6. Eat a telomere-protective diet full of foods high in vitamin C, polyphenols, and anthocyanins. Consume red peppers, kale, dark chocolate, and blueberries for a positive balance that protects DNA from stress.

  7. Monitor cholesterol and sugar levels regularly to avoid the onset of diabetes or high cholesterol.

  8. Take supplements.

At Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers, we can make suggestions on how to lengthen telomeres and improve overall health.

How telomere testing improves your health

Telomere testing allows Dr. Avi Ishaaya to examine your chromosomes to learn about your aging process. At our Beverly Hills, CA office, we can create an anti-aging plan that helps you maintain your telomere length and even slow down the rate of shortening. The biggest factors for telomeres are aging and genetics, while stress can contribute to shortened telomere length. When we expose our bodies to chronic stress, it negatively impacts our health, especially telomere length. When you’re interested in learning more about how to improve your health, contact Dr. Avi Ishaaya Centers to schedule an appointment for telomere testing.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.